Water and Environmental Crisis in Hur al-Azim (or Hoor al-azim) Wetland in Al-Ahwaz Region (Officially known as Khuzestan)
On 29th of September, the UNPO together with the Ahwaz Human Rights Organization (AHRO) submitted a report to several UN Special Rapporteurs, including the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment. This report highlights the severe environmental degradation of the Hoor Al-Azim Wetland in Al-Ahwaz Region (Khuzestan), Iran, and its devastating impact on the Ahwazi Arab communities.
The wetland’s deterioration is a direct result of human activities such as dam construction, extensive oil drilling, and harmful land-use practices. The communities, who have relied on the wetland for centuries, are now facing displacement, loss of livelihood, and serious health risks due to pollution and ecological destruction. Harmful land-use practices, such as petroleum-based mulching, have exacerbated the environmental crisis. The degradation of the wetland has had profound socio-economic impacts on the Ahwazi Arab communities. Traditional livelihoods such as farming, fishing, and mat weaving have become unsustainable, leading to economic instability and cultural erosion. The environmental crisis has also resulted in increased health risks, including respiratory and waterborne diseases, due to pollution and dust storms.
In the report, the UNPO and AHRO propose several urgent recommendations to address this environmental and humanitarian crisis. Chief among them is securing UNESCO World Heritage status for the Iranian side of the Hoor Al-Azim Wetland, which would afford the wetland vital legal protections. The report also advocates for investments in traditional, eco-friendly economic activities, and support for sustainable alternatives that could help revitalize the local economy and safeguard the cultural heritage of the Ahwazi Arabs.
Read more about the report and the organizations’ recommendations Water and Environmental Crisis in Hur al-Azim Wetland in Khuzestan (Al-Ahwaz).
Cover Photo: Erfan Semanfar