
Mar 15, 2017

Somaliland: $3.2M Grant to Tackle Climate Change and Water Stress

Photo by African Business Communities    Having faced several extreme weather events in the past few decades, Somaliland is still vulnerable to intense climatic conditions. Recurrent droughts have led to a reduction of herd sizes, which in turn triggered dramatic waves of displacement for those people in the region who had lost their livelihoods. To counter water stress and climate change,...

Mar 15, 2017

Somaliland: $3.2M Grant to Tackle Climate Change...

Photo by African Business Communities    Having faced several extreme weather events in the past few decades, Somaliland is still vulnerable to intense climatic conditions. Recurrent droughts...

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Mar 07, 2017

Somaliland: The Devastating Effects of Desertification...

Photo Courtesy of YoTuT @Flickr Somaliland Representative to the European Union and UNPO Member Mohamoud Abdi Daar sheds a light on the drastic social and financial impact of desertification in Somaliland....

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