
Oct 31, 2017

Tibet: Water Grabbing and Security: Where is Environmental Justice?

Photo courtesy of: Business Insider. The Chinese government continues to flood Tibet with potential mega development projects. China now plans to build the world’s largest water tunnel in the province of Xinjiang, stretching the Yarlung Tsangpo River to the barren Xinjiang region, thereby depleting the Tibetan Plateau waters. Specialists warn of the disastrous impacts this project could have,...

Oct 31, 2017

Tibet: Water Grabbing and Security: Where is Environmental...

Photo courtesy of: Business Insider. The Chinese government continues to flood Tibet with potential mega development projects. China now plans to build the world’s largest water tunnel in the province...

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Jul 20, 2017

Brazil: Indigenous People Occupy Hydroelectric...

Photo courtesy of Mongabay The Munduruku indigenous people began occupying the construction site of the São Manoel hydroelectric dam, which is built on the Teles Pires river in the east of the...

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Jul 12, 2017

Gilgit-Baltistan: CPEC Likely to Worsen Environmental...

Photo courtesy of Shaun Metcalfe Pakistan-occupied Gilgit-Baltistan faces major challenges amidst worsening environmental degradation. According to Manzar Shigri, senior print and electronic journalist...

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Jul 10, 2017

Tibet: UNESCO’s Designation Risks to Damage...

Photo Courtesy of The New York Times The region Hoh Xil or Kekexili, part of the high-altitude plateau in Qinghai Province, is currently being examined by the Unesco’s World Heritage Committee...

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Jul 04, 2017

Ahwazi: Tehran’s Oil and Agriculture Industry...

Photo Courtesy of AFP Ahwazis suffer from the environmental degradation of their ancestral lands. Since the occupation of Al Ahwazi by Shah of Iran Reza Khan in 1925, Tehran has turned the fertile lands...

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Jun 02, 2017

Indigenous and Environmental Rights Underscored...

  [Para ler em português, clique aqui]   On 31 May 2017, The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) thanks to the support of the Nando Peretti Foundation and along...

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Apr 06, 2017

Somaliland: Black Tea to Survive the Drought

Photo by Reuters   The severe drought affecting Somaliland is leading the local population to starvation. When they cannot count on the humanitarian delivery of food and water, families are instead...

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