Publications related to Zambesia

Oct 15, 2020

Namibia: Ensuring Indigenous and Minority Participation in the Political Sphere

Today, Namibia has a multicultural population, with numerous ethnically distinct groups. The collection of ethnically disaggregated data is not permitted, so exact data on the diverse communities of Namibia are not published. However, there are numbers available on the languages spoken in the country, the largest being the following: Oshiwambo languages 49.7%, Nama/Damara 11%, Kavango languages 10.4%,...

Oct 15, 2020

Namibia: Ensuring Indigenous and Minority Participation...

The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization along with its members Captain’s Council of the Rehoboth Basters and the Movement for the Survival of the River Races in Zambesia (MOSURIRAZA) have...

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