News related to West Balochistan

May 07, 2024

UNPO hosts Baluch Community Meeting in Stockholm

Bránz is a collaborative project of the Iranian Baluch community, aiming to protect and promote the use of Baluchi language through publishing monthly articles covering a range of social, literary, and cultural topics. Bránz literary and cultural magazine was established in 2021. Currently the website contains 140 articles, stories and opinion pieces. Each month 5 articles are published...

May 07, 2024

UNPO hosts Baluch Community Meeting in Stockh...

Stockholm, [27/04/2024] - The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) is proud to announce the successful organization of a significant community meeting for the diaspora Baluch community...

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Feb 21, 2024

UNPO and Turkish Women's Center Collaborate...

Cologne, Germany - February 17, 2024 On February 17th, the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) joined forces with the Turkish Women Center to mark International Mother Language Day with...

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Jan 19, 2024

UNPO and Balochistan Human Rights Group (BHRG)...

On January 16, 2024, Iran conducted an airstrike targeting the Koh-e-Sabz area in Pakistan's southwest Balochistan province (Eastern Baluchistan), targeting major bases of the Baluch militant group Jaish...

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Sep 30, 2023

Baluch Diaspora Commemorate the victims of Zahedan...

The protests which took place September 30 were also a response to the rape of a 15-year-old Baluch girl, referred in media by the pseudonym, Maho Baluch1, which came to light in June 2022. This incident...

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Jul 01, 2023

Braanz: Towards a multilingual Iran!

Everyday, more research is being carried out and more studies published on the benefits of multilingualism, the importance of inclusion and diversity in education, and the consequences of exclusion of...

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Jun 14, 2023

UNPO Participates in the conference "Woman,...

Speakers included prominent human rights activists, feminists, authors, labour rights activists, academics and political party leaders from Eastern Kurdistan (Iran) . Representatives from minorities such...

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Apr 28, 2023

UNPO Participates in EP Conference : Women, Life,...

The panel gathered leading voices and experts on women and minority issues in Iran. The speakers included, Mr. Taimoor Aliassi, the president of (KMMK-G), Shima Silavi, Project Manager at UNPO, Mrs. Koestan...

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Feb 03, 2023

UNPO Presents Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur...

Between 40 and 50% of the Iranian population belong to ethnolinguistic minorities including the Baluch which make up approximately 4% of the population that differs from the dominant Farsi (Persian)-speakers....

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Jan 25, 2023

Compromised Spaces : European Parliament Passes...

Following the death in custody of a 22 year-old Kurdish woman, Jina (Mahsa) Amini, by the Iranian morality police, Iran witnessed mass protests in hundreds of cities. The response of the government was...

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Sep 29, 2022

International Accountability For Iran: Iran...

The death of Mahsa (Jina) Amini has sparked a protest movement across Iran On 13 September 2022, Mahsa (Jina) Amini, a Kurdish Iranian was arrested by Iran’s Morality Police for “violating...

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Aug 23, 2022

Iran: UNPO welcomes the UN Special Rapporteur...

The report highlights the disproportionate number of executions of members of minority communities, in particular the Baluch and Kurds, as well as the excessive use of force and arbitrary detentions affecting...

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Jun 15, 2022

UNPO Presents Submission To UN Special Rapporteur...

Between 40 and 50% of the Iranian population belong to ethnolinguistic minorities that differs from the dominant Farsi (Persian)-speakers. This makes Iran a mosaic of languages, cultures and political...

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May 11, 2022

Minority Rights in Iran : UNPO Co-organizes Conference...

Iran is a deeply diverse country with different ethnic minorities, religions and languages. Its richness lies in its diversity, much like the European Union. However, the democratic deficit there withholds...

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Feb 18, 2022

European Parliament Passes Resolution Backing...

The resolution was passed resoundingly in the European Parliament following the efforts of MEPs Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Ignazio Corrao and Ilhan Kyuchuk. In a speech to the European Parliament plenary...

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Jan 05, 2022

Braanz : Read Latest Articles About Baloch Embroidery,...

The Noble Dispossessed tackles the issue of child poverty and limited opportunities in West Balochistan society for children to develop. Through the story of Shirdel, a Baluch boy, the article displays...

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Oct 30, 2021

Braanz : Read Latest Articles on International...

In Forgotten Citizens of Baluchistan, our editorial team covers how Baluch people in Iran are sometimes left without any documents or registration. Due to logistical issues people in the area are unable...

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Oct 20, 2021

West Balochistan : UNPO Welcomes UN Special Rapporteurs...

UNPO, alongside the Balochistan Human Rights Group, had asked the Special Rapporteurs to intervene after the latest disappearance of a Baluch activist was reported to them. Mr Arbari’s spouses and...

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Jun 30, 2021

UNPO Calls on European Union to Protect Ahmad...

In September 2019, the European Parliament issued a resolution calling for the release of all EU citizens by Iran.2 Since that time, it has become abundantly clear that Iran has no compunction about murdering...

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Apr 21, 2021

Reprisals threaten UN Charter

In a submission to the United Nations Reprisals Office, the unit within the UN's human rights infrastructure that deals with instances where UN Member States have targeted or threatened human rights defenders...

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Feb 06, 2021

UNPO joins global call for urgent action on arbitrarily...

URGENT INTERNATIONAL ACTION NEEDED TO SECURE RELEASE OF KURDISH ACITVISTS AND OTHERS ARTBITRARILY DETAINED IN IRAN February 3, 2021 – We, the undersigned 36 civil society and human rights organizations,...

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Sep 08, 2020

Iran: Persecution of Journalists on the Rise

Below is an article published by RFERL Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is urging the UN Human Rights Council to take measures to defend Iranian journalists and citizen-journalists who are being "censored,...

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Aug 07, 2020

Iranian Regime's Brutal Persecution of Minorities...

Consistently violating the international law, Iran oppresses and disciminates against non-Persian nations, including Kurds, Baluchs, Ahwazi Arabs, Azerbaijani Turks, and Turkmen, curtailing their access...

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Jul 24, 2020

West Balochistan: Iran Disappears 3 Baloch T...

Below is an article from Balochwarna News The Iranian plain-clothed officials have arrested and disappeared three Baloch teenagers from the Pahrah region of Iranian Occupied Balochistan on Wednesday 22...

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Jul 20, 2020

Iran: Protests Facing "Swift and Brutal ...

Below is an article by Breitbart News Iranian security forces rushed to suppress a new wave of demonstrations across Iran on Thursday and Friday. The regime is clearly nervous about a possible repeat...

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Jun 09, 2020

Coronavirus: HR in Iranian Balochistan

Below is a report by Nasser Bolodai of the Balochistan People's Party   Iran’s unabated suppression of Baloch People in the time of Covid19 Pandemic The Covid-19 pandemic health crisis has...

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Jun 01, 2020

Iran: No Country for Minorities

Below is an article published by Open Democracy The visibility of Iran’s geopolitical rivalry with the United States through the Trump administration’s continuation of economic warfare against...

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Aug 09, 2019

West Balochistan: Iran's Invisible Child...

The article below was published by Global Voices: There are more than one million people undocumented people in Iran, and a significant number of them are children. One of the main reasons for this inhumane...

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May 28, 2019

Iran: Water Mismanagement Negatively Affects Ethnic...

For the past two months [April/May 2019], floods have destroyed hundreds of towns and villages in Iran, severely affecting local communities. As a result, many people from these local communities have...

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Mar 18, 2019

European Parliament Adopts Resolution on Human...

With this resolution, the Parliament is calling the Iranian government to take solid action against the systematic arrest, persecution, imprisonment and torture of human rights defenders. One of the highlights...

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Feb 26, 2019

Workers of Iran victim of EU-Tehran collusio...

Only a few days later, workers of the Iran National Steel Industrial Group (INSIG) in Ahwaz (only an hour away from Haft-Tappeh) went on strikes and engaged in public protests which lasted 40 days with...

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Feb 08, 2019

Iran: Amnesty International Calls 2018 “Year...

Article from Fair Observer In a recent summary of human rights abuses in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa research and advocacy director, Philip...

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Feb 01, 2019

Iran: In Face of U.S. Sanctions Against Iran,...

The article below was published by Politico:   The EU's effort to thwart U.S. President Donald Trump's Iran sanctions is open for business. France, Germany and the U.K. — the European guarantors...

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Oct 05, 2018

Choice of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Acknowledges...

The choice of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates came in a year that has been marked by repeated calls for women’s empowerment throughout the world. Dr Denis Mukwege and Ms Nadia Murad’s...

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Oct 01, 2018

Op-Ed: A Fox Guarding the Henhouse: The Case of...

In fact, beyond outrage at the misuse of public money, Iranians have taken to the streets to protest against the judiciary’s lack of action when tackling corruptions cases. Behind all speculations...

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Sep 26, 2018

Iran: Minorities Campaign for Right to Education...

According to Hamid Hajbabaie, the minister of education, in 2012 70% of students who started their education in Iran did not have Farsi (Persian) as their mother tongue. Instead of accepting the fact that...

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Sep 14, 2018

HRC Side-Event Discusses Inclusivity and Intersectionality...

Opening remarks were given by Lucia Parrucci, UNPO Advocacy Officer and also moderator of the event, and Hanno Schedler, from the Society for Threatened Peoples. Ms Parrucci highlighted how indigenous...

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Sep 13, 2018

HRC Side Event: Unrepresented Women’s Rights...

To fully address women’s difficulties, it is essential that societies look beyond the main aspect of a problem. Although all achievements in the name of women are positive steps, the success of privileged...

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Sep 07, 2018

Op-Ed: The Dystopian reality of Iran

Being born in 2001 I never experienced life before the Islamic Revolution of 1979 however, from what I have heard from my parents who experienced life before and after the revolution and going through...

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Sep 04, 2018

Iran: Commission Rushes Parliament for Last Minute...

The special measure for Iran, which is worth 18 million euros, was introduced by Linda McAvan. The budget is split between 8 million for trade-related technical assistance, 8 million for environmental...

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Aug 30, 2018

UNPO Commemorates International Day of the Victims...

The United Nations has repeatedly expressed concern over enforced disappearances, not only by attempting to draw attention to the issue at large, but also by issuing resolutions to hold those who commit...

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Jun 27, 2018

Balochistan: New Massive Abductions Orchestrated...

  This article was originally published by The Balochistan Post:   Fifteen people go missing as Pakistani forces raid houses in different towns in Balochistan. Today [27 June 2018], Pakistani...

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Jun 25, 2018

West Balochistan: Forty-One Girls Victims of Sexual...

  The article below was published by Iran News Update. Forty-one girls are believed to have been victims of sexual abuse in Iranian occupied Balochistan province. Imam Mawlawi Tayyib disclosed...

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Apr 30, 2018

Balochistan: Government Remains Silent On Increasing...

This article was originally published by Al Jazeera.   Muhammad Ali Rezai's light skin and facial features make him stand out from the crowd in the Pakistani city of Quetta. It is not often that...

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Apr 25, 2018

UNPO Members Bring Testimony to Journalism Festival...

The speech of Mr Abdirahman Mahdi is enclosed to this article. Watch the full intervention here. On 14 April 2018, the Italian radio “Radio Radicale“ organised a panel entitled...

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Mar 23, 2018

Pakistan: Government Remains Silent over Hundreds...

This article has been published by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:   More than 700 reports of disappearances have been received by the United Nations from Pakistan, and hundreds more have been...

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Jan 26, 2018

The ‘Carrot & Stick’ Policy: Iran’s...

For a long time now, the ‘carrot and stick’ policy has been Iran’s principal way to deal with the demands of the Iranian population: on one hand promises of minor reforms, but on the...

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Jan 18, 2018

Balochi Teenager Becomes an Adult in Jail

  The timeline below was published by HRA News In late 2009, Mohammad Saber Malek Raisi, a 17-year-old Baluchi teenager, was arrested by the Iranian Intelligence Agency in Chabahar County in Balochistan,...

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Jan 05, 2018

What is Happening in Iran?

Starting in Mashhad last Thursday [28 December 2017], low income workers took to the streets in response to hyperinflation that saw the price of staple foods, such as eggs and poultry, increase by 50%....

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Jan 03, 2018

Freedom of Expression Should Be Guaranteed to...

UNPO is monitoring with attention the ongoing events in Iran as it counts among its members four ethnic communities living in Iran: the Ahwazi Arabs, the Southern Azerbaijanis, the Baloch, and the Kurds....

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Nov 20, 2017

UNPO Announces Launch of Council of Iranian Democrats...

The following final resolution was unanimously approved by all the participants: Whereas the current turmoil, and political, economic and social crisis that has been imposed on Iran over the past four...

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Oct 06, 2017

UNPO Conference in Washington DC Sheds Light on...

The conference heard speeches from Nasser Boladai (President of UNPO), Senator Paul Strauss (Sen. District of Columbia), Bhawal Mengal (WBO), Christine Fair (Georgetown University) and T. Kumar (Amnesty...

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Oct 05, 2017

DC Conference: “Scales of Injustice: The Geopolitics...

5 October 2017 | 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm The Hill Center, John Philip Sousa Hall | 921 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003 Registrations for the event on Eventbrite. The event will be streamed live...

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Sep 20, 2017


Despite his campaign promises, President Hassan Rohani has not fulfilled Iran´s obligations to respect human rights. On the contrary, under his government the ongoing marginalisation of ethnic minorities...

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May 23, 2017

Hudson Institute Conference Highlights Urgency...

  After welcoming the event’s speakers and participants, the conference’s host, Eric B. Brown, opened the event by pointing out that Iran is an ethno-religious mosaic which includes...

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May 16, 2017

UNPO and Hudson Institute Co-Organise Conference...

Iran is an ethno-religious mosaic that includes Persian Shia in addition to a diversity of minority groups such as Azerbaijani Turks, Ahwazi, Baloch, and Kurds. Many non-Persians have felt politically...

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May 09, 2017

BPP’s Nasser Boladai’s Outlook on the 2017...

  Find below an article published by Nasser Boladai (UNPO, BPP): Iran’s political system discriminates against its citizen based on a variety of criteria, such as gender, religious affiliation,...

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Mar 10, 2017

Iran: Swiss Parliament Conference Raises Awareness...

  The article below was published by the Ahwaz Human Rights Organisation: Wednesday 8th of March (2017), Human rights organisations and political parties representing nationalities in Iran held...

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Mar 01, 2017

Ahwazi, Iranian Kurdistan & West Balochistan:...

Below is an article published by the Ahwaz Human Rights Organisation: The Middle East Forum for Development co-organised a panel event on 27th of February together with the All-Party Parliamentary Human...

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Feb 27, 2017

West Balochistan: Zabol University Teacher Sentenced...

Below is an article published by Payvand: Iran News: Vaghayeh Etegafhieh daily reports that a member of Zabol University Science Faculty has been sentenced to four years in jail and 75 lashes for protesting...

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Jan 31, 2017

West Balochistan: Case of Abducted Sailors Documents...

Below is an article published by Balochwarna News: In a separate attempt to get the attention of Iranian government and world humanitarian organisations Baloch sailors kidnapped and made hostage by Somalian...

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Jan 24, 2017

West Balochistan: Tortured Political Prisoner...

  The following article was published by NCRI:   The political prisoner ‘Mohammad-Saber Malek Raeesi’ writes a revealing letter to Asma Jahangir, the UN special rapporteur on the...

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Jan 19, 2017

HRW World Report 2017 Reminds Global Community...

According to the World Report’s emphasis, the most egregious human rights violations against indigenous populations in 2016 can be seen in the crackdowns on Oromo in Ethiopia, the lingering human...

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Dec 15, 2016

UNPO Organises Meeting with European Parliament...

Ms Mona Silavi from the Democratic Solidarity Party of al-Ahwaz (DSPA) reported about the suffering of the Arabs in Ahwaz, in the South West of Iran. Even though their region provides more than 90% of...

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Dec 13, 2016

West Balochistan: Authorities Demolish Homes Despite...

Below is an article published by the National Council of Resistance of Iran: The Iranian regime’s police and the municipality officers in Zahedan in recent weeks [November/December 2016] have attempted...

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Dec 10, 2016

Democracy and Rule of Law Are Human Rights

  On international Human Rights Day, UNPO reiterates its commitment to the promotion of democracy, rule of law, and human rights everywhere. The first United Nations Forum on Human Rights, Democracy...

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Nov 29, 2016

UNPO Side-event to UN Minority Forum Highlights...

  In his opening remarks, Marino Busdachin, General Secretary of UNPO, shed a light on the fact that since the independence of East Timor, the UN has failed to advance the fulfilment of the right...

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Nov 18, 2016

Greater Balochistan: How and Why Political and...

Below is an article published by the Eurasia Review: As infrastructure projects in Greater Balochistan come to be, governments across South and Central Asia should prepare for what will most likely turn...

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Nov 08, 2016

West Balochistan: Man Arrested for Complaining...

Below an article published by NCRI: A 45-year-old man in Sistan and Baluchestan province has been jailed due to filing a complaint against the Revolutionary Guard’s security agents who killed his...

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Oct 20, 2016

West Balochistan: Prisoner Recounts Horror of...

  Below is an article published by Iran Focus: While Western governments negotiate trade deals with Iran, Iranian prisoners have spoken out about the abuse and torture they have suffered under the...

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Oct 05, 2016

West Balochistan: Iran’s Highest Rate of Illiteracy...

Below an article published by Iranfocus: The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) reports that on Saturday, September 24, ISNA news agency quoted Shahindokht Molaverdi, the regime’s vice...

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Oct 04, 2016

UNPO Delegation to Washington DC Discusses Human...

  During their 5-day visit to Washington DC in September 2016, the UNPO delegation met with Members of Congress and the US Senate, experts of various think tanks, US Department of Defense staff,...

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Aug 05, 2016

Balochistan Human Rights Group July Newslette...

  The July BHRG newsletter reports on recent human rights violations in the region of Balochistan, including the extra-judicial killing of five Baloch prisoners, and the already more than 400 abductions...

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Jul 27, 2016

Iran: Number of Executions of Opposition Activists...

  Below is an article published by ARA News:  The Iranian regime has executed dozens of opposition activists across the country by hanging them to death in public squares, local sources reported...

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Jul 22, 2016

UNPO Delegation to Washington DC Discusses Human...

  During their 5-day visit to Washington DC, the delegation met with Members of Congress and the US Senate, State Department staff, USAID officials, as well as experts of various think tanks. The...

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Jun 27, 2016

Situation of Iran’s Minorities Raised at 6th...

  Photo courtesy of Abolition Now:  Below is the speech of Ms Monireh Shirani: Ethnic minorities have long suffered discrimination as they have been viewed with suspicion and considered outsiders...

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Jun 27, 2016

Discrimination of Minorities in Iran Worse Since...

  Photo courtesy of Ahwaz News. Below is an article published by Ahwaz News: Ethnic rights in Iran gained a high level congressional audience this week as Ahwazi Arab lobbyist Dr Karim Abdian led...

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Jun 09, 2016

AHRO and Ibn Khaldun Center Organise Symposium...

Other speakers include: -      Keynote Address by Mehrangiz Kar, Prominent Iranian lawyer, human rights activist and author of Crossing the Red Line -     ...

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Jun 09, 2016

Ahwaz: Iranian Interior Minister Recognises Social...

Photo courtesy of Ahwaz News.  Below is an article published by Ahwaz News: Ahwaz has this week been singled out by Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli as one of three cities in Iran facing...

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May 24, 2016

UNPO Delegation to Washington DC Discusses Human...

The delegation met with Members of Congress, Senators, administrative officials and experts on foreign affairs. They had the opportunity to renew links with supporters and advocates for Balochistan, and...

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May 13, 2016

Plight of Baloch People Receives Much-needed Attention...

  The conference heard speeches from, among others, Nasser Boladai (President of UNPO), Sen. Paul Strauss (District of Columbia, Shadow), T. Kumar (Amnesty International USA), Bob Dietz (Committee...

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May 10, 2016

UNPO Announces Congressional Briefing on Balo...

  Gross human rights violations, such as torture, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings are still the order of the day in Pakistan’s westernmost province, Balochistan. Baloch communities...

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Feb 15, 2016

West Balochistan: A brief history of the Regi...

  Below is an article by The Diplomat    The arid region of Balochistan, situated at the eastern end of the Iranian plateau, is split almost evenly between Pakistan’s Balochistan...

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Oct 01, 2015

West Balochistan: Six Men Executed for Unknown...

Below is an article published by Radio Zamaneh:   The “Baloch Activists Campaign” informed that six people – all members of only two different families – were executed on...

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Sep 29, 2015

Beyond the Nuclear Deal: Side-Event at UN Discusses...

Mr Nasser Boladai, UNPO President, opened the conference with an overview of the differing opinions that surround the Iranian nuclear deal.  While some groups consider the agreement to be a positive...

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Sep 22, 2015

West Balochistan: A Relentless Struggle Short...

  Below is an article by Bolan Times   At the evening of 17th September 2015, a lecture was organised by Baloch Voice Association in Warwick Hotel Geneva. The lecture was aimed to know the...

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Sep 22, 2015

West Balochistan: A Relentless Struggle Short...

  Below is an article by Bolan Times   At the evening of 17th September 2015, a lecture was organised by Baloch Voice Association in Warwick Hotel Geneva. The lecture was aimed to know the...

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Jul 24, 2015

West Balochistan: Scepticism over Nuclear Deal...

Below is an article published by IB Times Amid huge fanfare and relief, last week (July 14 2015) a long-negotiated deal was announced to lift sanctions against Iran in exchange for international monitoring...

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Jul 20, 2015

Joint Public Statement on the 21st Anniversary...

The Islamic Republic of Iran is now under periodic review by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which will decide on the country’s implementation of the treaty in its 71st session, in January...

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Jul 15, 2015

New Chapter with Iran: An Opportunity to Bring...

The sensitive nature of the nuclear negotiations with Iran has for years served as a reason – if not excuse – for Western governments and the European Union not to get too involved in anything...

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Apr 20, 2015

West Balochistan: CNFI Spokesperson Highlights...

Below is an article published by IPS News Agency Karlos Zurutuza interviews Nasser Boladai, spokesperson of the Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran (CNFI) Nasser Boladai is the spokesperson...

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Jul 03, 2014

Iranian Minorities Delegation Informs US Congress...

On the picture (from left to right): Mr. Nasser Boladai, Congressman Steve Chabot, and Mr. Loghman H. Ahmedi. Despite having a rich cultural diversity, the Islamic Republic of Iran prioritizes Shi’a...

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Apr 24, 2014

West Balochistan: Visit Of Rouhani Underlines...

To access the article published by Al-Monitor, please click here.

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Mar 24, 2014

Baloch Delegation Informs US Government of Human...

The recent discovery of mass graves in Balochistan raised the urgent need to inform the international community about the disappearances and extrajudicial killings of Baloch individuals. The resource-rich...

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Mar 19, 2014

UNPO’s UPR Reports Denounce Human Rights Situation...

Photo by Izahorsky On the occasion of the 20th Session of the United Nations Universal Periodic Review, UNPO has submitted two reports denouncing the human rights situation in the Republic of Iraq and...

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Dec 03, 2013

Ahwazi: Iran’s Human Rights Issues Need Att...

Below is a statement by the IHR:  Human rights should now be the focus of international dialogue with Iran following the break-through on nuclear talks in Geneva, says the Norway-based Iran Human...

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Oct 30, 2013

West Balochistan: Fear Rising Over Iranian Government-ordered...

Below is a press release to be published on Balochistan People’s Party website: On the 25th of October [2013] Zahedan’s public persecutor announced that he ordered the execution of 16 Baloch...

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Sep 25, 2013

UNPO General Secretary Speaks At European Parliament...

In cooperation with the Delegation for Relations with Iran, the Sub-committe on Foreign Affairs at the European Parliament held an exchange of views on the situation in Iran on Thursday, 26 September 2013,...

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Sep 18, 2013

Exploring the Path of Federalism in the Middle...

Wednesday 2 October 2013 14:00 – 16:00  Room ASP 5E3 European Parliament, Brussels   18 September 2013, Brussels - The office of Mr. Tunne Kelam MEP (EPP) and the Unrepresented Nations...

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Jun 12, 2013

Successful UNHCR Side Event Sheds Light on the...

  Geneva, 11 June 2013 - The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) and the Nonviolent Radical Party held a Side Event on Tuesday, June 11th, in the Palais des Nations in Geneva entitled...

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May 21, 2013

US House and Senate Representatives Urged To Speak...

PRESS RELEASE                                           ...

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May 07, 2013

Iranian Minorities: What Future After Ahmadin...

On behalf of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) and the Nonviolent Radical Party, you are cordially invited to attend the parallel event ''Iranian minorities: what future after Ahmadinejad?''...

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Apr 19, 2013

UNPO Expresses Its Solidarity With The Recent...

Photo credit @Mohamad Fatemi Due to its location on seismic fault lines, Iran experiences on average one slight earthquake every day. Tuesday night at 3:14 PM (local time), a 7.8-magnitute quake struck...

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Feb 20, 2013

West Balochistan: Iran Accelerates Executions...

Below is an article published by Balochwarna News:   The Iranian fascist regime hanged yet another four Baloch in a prison in Zahedan, the capital city of Iranian occupied Balochistan, on Saturday. The...

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Jan 16, 2013

Balochistan: Assembly Rejects Recently-Imposed...

Below is an article published by   The Balochistan Assembly unanimously adopted on Tuesday two resolutions which rejected imposition of governor’s rule in the province as an undemocratic...

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Dec 06, 2012

Strong Presence Of UNPO Representatives At Fifth...

More than thirty representatives of twelve UNPO Members (Afrikaner, Ahwazi, Assyria, Crimean Tatars, East Turkestan, Haratin, Hmong, Iranian Kurdistan, Iraqi Kurdistan, Khmer Krom, Ogaden, and West Balochistan)...

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Oct 08, 2012

UNPO General Secretary Briefs Delegation for Relations...

Also present in the human rights briefing were representatives of Amnesty International, the Human Rights Democracy Network, the Christian Solidarity Network, the International Rehabilitation Council for...

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Oct 01, 2012

Baloch Representatives Tell Brussels That Urgent...

In a series of meetings, organised by the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization [UNPO], the Baloch representatives engaged in constructive dialogues with Members of the European Parliament, political...

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Sep 28, 2012

UNPO Hosts ‘Religious And National Minorities...

With this year’s 20th Anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on Minority Rights, it is more crucial than ever before to bring up the issue of the rights of minorities to enjoy their own cultures...

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Sep 25, 2012

Protest In Geneva Denounces Violations Of Human...

On 24 September 2012 UNPO Members West Balochistan and Balochistan staged a joint demonstration with activists of the Balochistan Human Right Organization (BHRO) and baloch leaders Nasser Boladai and Noordin...

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Sep 12, 2012

West Balochistan: Appeal To Stop Mass Executi...

Below is an article published by the Balochistan Peoples Party: The latest report from Iranian official news and human right organizations stated that after shortened courts procedures some Baloch political...

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Sep 07, 2012

INVITATION: Parallel Event at the 21st Session...

Uncovering human rights situation in Iran and Iraq and implications from the Arab Spring On behalf of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), you are cordially invited to attend UNPO’s...

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Jul 24, 2012

West Balochistan: Deteriorating Human Rights Situation...

Below is an article published by the Baloch Human Rights Council (Canada): Baloch Human Rights Council (Canada) has expressed serious concerns over the deteriorating human rights situation in Balochistan...

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Jun 15, 2012

European Parliament Urgency Resolution Reiterates...

Brussels, 14 June 2012 – During the plenary session in Strasbourg on 14 June 2012, Members of the European Parliament discussed the situation of ethnic minorities in Iran in the latest declaration...

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May 16, 2012

UNPO Speaks Out Against New Arrests of Baloch...

Below is a copy of UNPO's official Statement:    In the past week reports indicate that the Iranian regime has arrested up to sixty Baloch people in the latest restrictions to be placed on...

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Apr 24, 2012

UNPO Report Outlines Threats to Indigenous Peoples’...

UNPO has submitted an Alternative Report to the UN Committee on Cultural, Economic, and Social Rights (CESCR) ahead of Iran’s review at the 49th Session in May 2012.  This report to the Treaty...

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Mar 19, 2012

UNPO Co-Hosts "Minority Rights In Iran"...

  Wednesday, 14 March 2012   Together with Minority Rights Group International, UNPO hosted an event on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 at the 19th Session of the UN Human Rights Council titled...

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Mar 13, 2012

All Eyes On Iran During UN Human Rights Counc...

Photo: Ahmed Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on Iran addresses during the 19th Session Human Rights Council. 12 March 2012. Photo by Jean-Marc Ferré - UN Information Service - Geneva Geneva,...

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Dec 07, 2011

UNPO Co-Hosts Panel Discussion At Forum On Minority...

  Main Photo (courtesy of U.S. Mission in Geneva - Eric Bridiers): Rebiya Kadeer speaks during panel discussion The Forum on Minority Issues, an annual event organized by the United Nations under...

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Dec 05, 2011

UNPO Representatives Prominent At UN Forum On...

  Photo: UNPO and Minority Rights Group participants pose for a photograph at the close of the first day of the UN Forum on Minority Issues Close to thirty representatives of nine UNPO Member...

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Nov 07, 2011

Ahwazi: UN Human Rights Body Concerned Over Executions...

Below is an article published by UN The United Nations committee tasked with reviewing compliance with international human rights treaties today voiced concern over Iran’s record on upholding the...

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Sep 29, 2011

UNPO UN Report Outlines Civil And Political Rights...

UNPO has submitted an Alternative Report to the UN Human Rights Committee ahead of Iran’s review under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) at the 103rd Session in October...

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Aug 15, 2011

Southern Azerbaijan: An Open Letter to the United...

Below is an article published by the Huffington Post.   To: Dr. Ahmed Shaheed United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran  Allow me to begin with my best wishes for a great...

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Jul 19, 2011

West Balochistan: Sakhi Rigi Remains in Iran’s...

Below is an article published by Balochistan People’s Party: Iran's ongoing assault against independent and opposition media has recently gained momentum, the Committee to Protect Journalists said...

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Oct 28, 2010

Hearing on Tehran’s Ethno-Cultural Discrimination...

Political representatives of three different ethnic minority groups, Mr Nasser Boladai (Balochistan People’s Party), Ms Sedigheh Adalati (Federal Democratic Movement of Azerbaijan) and Mr Miro Aliyar...

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Oct 20, 2010

Nonviolent Radical Party Delivers Intervention...

  Below is a press release published by the Nonviolent Radical Party:   On Monday, October 18, 2010, the Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational and Transparty, an NGO in consultative status...

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Aug 31, 2010

Iran: U.N. Urges Iran To Tackle Racism

Below is an article published by Reuters: GENEVA (Reuters) - Iran should do more to protect its ethnic minorities such as Arabs, Kurds and Baloch, a United Nations human rights body said on Friday. The...

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Jul 20, 2010

West Balochistan: Terrorism Undermines Legitimate...

Below is an article published by the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran:The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran strongly condemned the twin suicide bombings in southeastern city...

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Mar 24, 2010

Balochistan: More than 3000 people killed in Pakistan...

Below is an article published by ISLAMABAD, March 22 (Xinhua) -- At least 3,021 people were killed and 7,334 others injured in 2,586 incidents of terrorism that took place in various parts of...

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Mar 01, 2010

West Balochistan: Baloch Prisoners in Iran Suffer...

  Below is an article published by Balochistan Peoples Party:The unexpected victory of Mr Ahamadinejad in the controversial presidential election in Iran led to massive and popular protests and...

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Feb 24, 2010

Periphery Voices from Iran

Iran’s population is a mosaic of ethnicities, but the non-Persian groups are largely located in the peripheries. Unfortunately, their geographical location in the margins is matched by cultural,...

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Nov 16, 2009

UNPO Iranian Members Recommend Steps to Effective...

  The session was based on the theme of “Minorities and Effective Political Participation” and representatives utilised the platform to identify obstacles to their involvement in political...

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Jul 22, 2009

West Balochistan: Appeal to Stop Hanging of Baloch...

  Below is a statement by Balochistan Peoples Party: In the aftermath of the presidential election 19 Baloch prisoners have been executed after short trials in closed-door court rooms without...

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Apr 08, 2009

Speech, Nasser Mobaraki

 For a PDF version of this speech, please click here.   Ladies and Gentlemen: First of all I would like to thank UNPO and in particular Maggie for providing us with such a platform and opportunity...

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Apr 08, 2009

Speech, Hossein Ladjevardi (Persian)

Mr. Ladjevardi's speech is in Persian. Please click here to read it.

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Apr 08, 2009

Speech, Golmorad Moradi (English and Persian)

For a PDF copy of the speech in English,please click here. For a PDF copy of the speech in Persian, please click here.   Ladies and Gentlemen, It is an honour for me to be here for this Conference...

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Apr 08, 2009

Speech, Seria Dadiar

For a PDF copy of the speech, please click here. Ladies, gentlemen, and distinguished members of the European Parliament, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks and profound gratitude. We appreciate...

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Apr 06, 2009

Balochistan: Pakistani Group Frees US Hostag...

 Below is an article published by: BBC The UN and local police said John Solecki was abandoned by his captors in a village near the city of Quetta. Mr Solecki, a UN refugee agency (UNHCR) worker,...

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Mar 25, 2009

Iran Conference Press Release, March 24 2009

European Parliament to Host Meeting of Leading Iranian Dissidents   Brussels, 24 March 2009   Leading Iranian opposition figures will be meeting in Brussels, Belgium for a two-day conference...

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Feb 19, 2009

Balochistan: Demands Still Unmet

 Below is an article published by: written by Sanaullah Baloch Islamabad's recent move to grant religious self-rule to the Taliban in Swat and the denial of political autonomy to the...

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Sep 11, 2008

West Balochistan: Violations of Human Rights ...

Below is an article published by the Balochistan Peoples’ Front : Following the arrest of 5 Baloch human rights activists on Sunday 7 September [2008] two more civil society campaigners were...

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Aug 11, 2008

Balochistan: Iranian Government Executed Baluchi...

Below is an article published by Iranian Minority Human Rights Group:  The Iranian government has executed Mr Yaghub Mehrnahad, a 28 year old Baluchi journalist, human rights and cultural activist,...

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Jun 09, 2008

West Balochistan: UNPO General Assembly Member...

Below is a Member Resolution as presented and adopted before the IX UNPO General Assembly held during 16-17 May 2008 in Brussels, Belgium:   IX UNPO General Assembly16 - 17 May 2008, Brussels...

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Mar 28, 2008

Balochistan: Taking Grievances to Downing Street’s...

Below is an article written by Dr. Megalommatis and published in the American Chronicle: Divided among Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, Balochistan is one of the few multi-divided nations of our times....

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Mar 10, 2008

Iran: Is The Constitution Worth Its Paper?

The continued incarceration of two trade union leaders show that not even lip service is being paid to Iran’s constitution. Below is an article written by Peter Tatchall and published by The Guardian: Today...

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Feb 29, 2008

West Balochistan: Brother of Activist Arreste...

Ibrahim Mehrnahad, 16 years old brother of Yaghub Mehrnahad who is sentenced to death has been arrested by Iranian security forces. Below is an article published by Iranian Minorities’ Human Right...

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Feb 25, 2008

Ya’qub Mehrnehad Faces Death Sentence

Despite appeals from across the world, the Iranian authorities have remained obdurate in their determination to execute a civil rights activist following a secret trial.  Intent on reinforcing the...

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Feb 14, 2008

Urgent Appeal to Halt Baloch Execution

Time is rapidly running out to save the life of Yaqub Mehrnehaad from execution by the Iranian authorities.  A committed civil rights activist, Mr Mehrnehaad was arrested in Spring 2007 and convicted...

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Jan 14, 2008

West Balochistan: Baloch Human Rights Flaunt...

Below is an appeal published on behalf of the Balochistan Peoples Party: Appeal for international help to stop executions in Baluchistan (10-01-2008) For the attention of: Amnesty International, Human...

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Jan 10, 2008

West Balochistan: New Abuses

Iran has continued the execution of Balochs against a backdrop of economic deprivation and press manipulation.  In response the BPP and others have appealed for international support. Below is an...

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Nov 20, 2007

Iran: Women's Rights Activist Arrested

The Hague, 20 November 2007 - UNPO supports Leadership Council for Human Rights’ condemnation of the arrest of Human Rights activist Maryam Hosseinkhah and is disturbed to learn of this most recent...

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Nov 12, 2007

West Balochistan: Attack Against Sunnis

Authorities in Iran have closed Sunni mosques and arrested its clerics in an apparent attempt to create religious tensions and justify further suppression of the Balochi community. Below is a press release...

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Oct 29, 2007

West Balochistan: Poverty and Oppression

Despite abundant natural resources, the Balochi community suffers from severe economic deprivation, and their plight is further compounded by oppression from the Iranian regime. Below is an article published...

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Sep 25, 2007

West Balochistan: Amnesty’s Scathing Repor...

Amnesty International has released a comprehensive report on the human rights situation in West Balochistan in Iran, with a particular focus on the state of the legal system and the unusually high level...

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Aug 13, 2007

West Balochistan: Calls for Protection

The Balochistan People’s Party has issued an appeal, calling on the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to offer protection to asylum seekers from Balochistan.   Below are extracts of an appeal...

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Apr 05, 2007

West Balochistan: Appeal to Halt Executions

 The Hague, 5 April 2007 – The UNPO remains deeply concerned about the fate of nine Balochs who have been arrested by the Iranian authorities, and appeals to halt further executions.On 14 February...

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Apr 04, 2007

Iran: UNHRC Criticized for Failing HR Victims

Below is an article published by British Ahwazi Friendship Society: Human Rights Watch has accused the UN Human Rights Council of failing the victims of human rights abuses in Iran and of endorsing...

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Feb 21, 2007

West Balochistan: Disappointment in UN Expres...

Following the execution of Nasrollah Shanbehzai and UN Security Council’s Press Statement No. SC/8957 which failed to address the persecution of the Baloch community by Iranian authorities, representatives...

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Feb 21, 2007

West Balochistan: Appeals Execution

In a press statement released 20 February 2007, the Balochistan People’s Party (BPP) condemns the execution of Nasrollah Shanbehzai and the persecution of the Baloch community by Iranian authorities....

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Feb 20, 2007

West Balochistan: Issues Letter of Condemnati...

Below is a letter issued on 18 February 2007 by the Balochistan United Front of Iran addressed to Mr. Peter Burian, President of the UN Security Council, all members of the UN Security Council and Mr....

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Nov 17, 2006

European Parliament Adopts Resolution on Minorities...

The European Parliament adopted last night an extensive resolution on the present situation in Iran, with a particular focus on the rights of the many minorities living within its borders; many of whom...

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Nov 09, 2006

West Balochistan: Political Prisoner Hanged

Tehran, Iran, Nov. 06 – Iranian authorities hanged a political prisoner in public on Sunday in the south-eastern province of Sistan-va-Baluchestan for his alleged role in the killing of two of Iranian...

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Sep 04, 2006

West Balochistan: Condemnation of “Iranian...

“The Iranian regime has started a war game in most part of the country that are populated by non dominant nationalities starting it from Balochistan in 19 august, where in the recent months the regime...

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Apr 14, 2006

West Balochistan: Director of TV Station Miss...

Reporters Without Borders has voiced concern about Munir Mengal, the head of Baloch Voice, a Baluchi-language TV station based in the United Arab Emirates, who has been missing since he arrived...

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Mar 27, 2006

West Balochistan: Hundreds Arrested in South-East...

Hundreds of people have been arrested in Iran’s south-eastern province of Sistan-va-Baluchistan after a deadly ambush on a government convoy carrying dozens of top provincial officials, an...

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Feb 01, 2006

West Balochistan: Statement on Land Confiscation...

Below is an open letter by the Balochistan People's Party raising the issue of land confiscations by Iranian government in West Balochistan. Subject: Land confiscation and settling non-Baloch...

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Jan 19, 2006

West Balochistan: Plight of Balochis Overshadowed...

With an area of 3,47,188 square kilometers that is larger than the combined area of Punjab and Sindh and constitutes about 44 percent of Pakistan, Balochistan imbroglio has recently come to international...

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Jan 19, 2006

Sindh and Balochistan: Unrest Threatens Unity,...

Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has said unrest in Sindh, Balochistan and the North West Province threatens the unity and integrity of Pakistan and held military rule and General Pervez Musharraf...

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Dec 27, 2005

West Balochistan: BPP Condemns Pakistani Military...

PRESS RELEASE December 23, 2005 Since Saturday 17th of December 2005 the Pakistan Army has launched a massive military operation against Baloch people in Marri and Bugti areas of Balochistan....

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Nov 15, 2005

West Balochistan: BPP Denounces the Iranian Regime...

Untitled Document To the kind attention of : H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan Secretary General of the United Nations 1775 K. Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006 USA 15 November 2005 ...

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Oct 27, 2005

UNPO on Extrajudicial Killings and Disappearances...

The Hague, 27 October 2005- UNPO is deeply concerned about the current human rights situation in the region of Balochistan, in Pakistan. According to UNPO sources, the Balochs in Pakistan are continuously...

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Oct 20, 2005

West Balochistan: Appeal to the International...

The Balochistan People's Party (BPP) appeals to the international community to address the situation for the Baloch people who endure oppression and continuous harassment. Appeal by the BPP For...

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Sep 27, 2005

West Balochistan: Increased Presence and Activities...

By Nasser Boladai Balochistan Peoples Party's conference held in the late August 2005 had a report about the recent political and social situation in Western Balochistan in Iran. According to...

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Sep 20, 2005

West Balochistan: Balochistan People's Party (BPP)...

Untitled Document In a resolution in a congress in Stockholm, BBP leaders criticize the "dramatic increase in the repression of all Iranian citizens, and in particular that of ethnic...

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Sep 01, 2005

West Balochistan: An Urgent Appeal to save Dr....

Balocistan People's Party An urgent appeal to save Dr. Allah Nazar's Life The Baloch Students Organization (BSO) which founded in 1975 is the national student organization...

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Jul 11, 2005

Balochistan Peoples Party Condemns Terror Act...

Press Statement of the Balochistan People's Party On 7th July 2005 the World witnessed another dreadful terror act, a series of bomb attacks on London's transport network that killed 38 people...

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Jul 06, 2005

Balochistan People's Party Appeals to International...

Untitled Document Balochistan is a geopolitically important location in the region. Since its occupation, both Iranian tyrant regimes (Pahlavis and the current Mullahs) have employed...

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Nov 30, -0001

2009 Conference: Self-Determination in Balochistan...

June 8, 2009UN Human Rights Council, Geneva, Switzerland At the 11th session of the Human Rights Council, UNPO in partnership with Interfaith International and Baloch representative Mr Noordin Mengal...

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Nov 30, -0001

2009 UN Forum on Minority Issues: Iranian Group...

12-13 November 2009, Geneva   UNPO Participants with Ms McDougall   Karim Abdian addresses the Forum   Monireh Sulemani of the BPP             ...

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Nov 30, -0001

2010 Periphery Voices from Iran

  The aftermath of the Iranian elections in 2009 pushed people power and protest within Iran onto the front pages worldwide. Most media outlets failed to notice however that a substantial proportion...

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Nov 30, -0001

2009 Conference: Human Rights and the Question...

In conjunction with Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran (CNFI) UNPO organized a two day programme focusing on the possibility of federalism in Iran to act as a vehicle to combat human rights discrimination...

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