Apr 23, 2020

Coronavirus: Lezghins Trapped By Border

The Russian-Azerbaijani border, which runs straight through Lezghin territory, remains closed until 4 May, cutting off Lezghins in Dagestan and Azerbaijan from each other. Many Azerbaijanis have been stranded by the border closure, many of whom do not have the funds to support themselves until the border reopens. 

Below is an article by Murad Selimov for RIA Derbent, translated from Russian. 

The Russian-Azerbaijani border was not opened on April 20, as the Azerbaijani side had promised, blocking it because of the coronavirus pandemic. An informed source told RIA Derbent that the opening of the border was delayed for another 2 weeks - until May 4.

This situation has already led to a serious problem - citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic (AR) cannot return to their country, many of whom do not have the financial means to ensure their continued stay in Russia.

Tough measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus taken in Russia complicate the already difficult situation of this category of people. About 150 foreign citizens remained in the border zone (Magaramkent district), while a number (155 people) have been stationed in Derbent at the Chaika camp site. They are being assisted by local authorities.


Photo by RIA Derbent