Mar 12, 2020

International Women's Day 2020 in Yemen and Tajikistan

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the International Women’s Day. This can be considered a milestone in acknowledging the different impact that conflicts have on woman, men, boys and girls. Saferworld spoke to partners and communities in South Sudan, Yemen and Tajikistan to see how women are breaking down barriers, and supporting women’s participation in peacekeeping.


Below is an article by Menafn, illustration by Anastasya Eli. 

International Women's Day in 2020 is a milestone in acknowledging the different impact that conflicts have on women, men, boys and girls. This year marks the 20th anniversary of UN Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, which recognises the importance of women's role in peacebuilding. But there is still a lot to do to ensure women's participation, and reduce the risks that women and girls face during conflict.

To mark this day, we, Saferworld, spoke to partners and communities in South Sudan, Yemen and Tajikistan to see how women are breaking down barriers, and supporting women's participation in peacebuilding Yemen: women's participation in the face of conflict 'My message to young women is that active participation in their communities is not only their right but also their duty, to take part in building their communities.'

Ashgan Shuraih is the president of Saferworld partner Alf Ba Civilization and Coexistence Foundation, a Yemeni-led organisation working to strengthen civil society and promote equality, respect and inclusion. Ashgan rehabilitates and educates women and young people about international laws and human rights, to build peace and renounce violence. 'Because of Aden's geographic location* and the diversity of its social fabric, my city is characterised by coexistence.

But Aden was one of the conflict fronts between the parties, which has had a direct effect on my life and my role in society as I chose to focus on relief work. Even after the withdrawal of Ansar Allah from Aden, we witnessed chaos and the spread of armed groups. There was an urgent need to work for the community and reintroduce a culture of that is accepting of others.'

During the conflict in Yemen, women's roles and experiences have changed. Increased insecurity and hardship has affected women's social, political and economic opportunities. 'Generally, Yemeni society is described as a closed tribal society in most of its regions. This brings social standards that restrict the role of women and impose specific roles. Socially, women are often restricted to housework and raising children.

There are also places where women are deprived of their inheritance such as Yafe'a in Lahj governorate. Outside the home, usually women are only allowed to work in education and nursing.' Alf Ba and Saferworld work together to support community initiatives that tackle security and safety concerns. We work to make sure women play an active role in community action, from attending skills training, to advocating with local authorities and leading initiatives. Initiatives have included reviving public spaces like the Khor Makser walkway in Aden, setting up street lighting to reduce incidents of harassment particularly against women, and finding solutions for unequal electricity and water distribution that were causing local conflicts.


Illustration by Anastasya Eli.