Apr 19, 2013

UNPO Expresses Its Solidarity With The Recent Earthquake Victims

Photo credit @Mohamad Fatemi

Due to its location on seismic fault lines, Iran experiences on average one slight earthquake every day. Tuesday night at 3:14 PM (local time), a 7.8-magnitute quake struck the city of Knash and its surrounding towns in Iran, affecting the neighboring country of Pakistan and its Balochistan area. As a result of the earthquake numerous people were killed, many injured and displaced. The earthquake was by far the biggest in Iran in the last 40 years and was felt as far as India and the United Arab Emirates. However, the official death toll has not yet been released.

The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization wants to express its sympathy and solidarity with the victims, their families and the whole Balochistan region awaiting urgent help from their governments.

Natural disasters such as earthquakes demonstrate a need for cooperation and uniting the aid efforts of the governments and the local authorities and NGOs. UNPO urges the cooperation of the Iran and Pakistan governments and hopes for the provision of swift relief to the people of the affected area regardless of their citizenship and nationality.