May 31, 2011

Iraqi Kurdistan: Regional Electricity Ministry to Provide Electricity for 20 hours in June 2011

Responsible usage of natural resources has allowed regional development to lead to a ten fold increase in electricity output for citizens.

Below is an article published by Alsumaria:

Iraq Kurdistan Electricity Minister said that the rate of electricity supply to citizens in the region’s provinces during June will be 20 hours per day and private generators are expected to provide electricity during the four remaining hours.

Minister Yassin Abou Bakr said during a press conference in Irbil in which he exposed the program of his ministry and in which Alsumarianews was present that “electricity production rate in the region increased from 100 megawatts in 2008 to 1350 megawatts provided by the region’s gas electricity power stations”. “During June electricity will be provided for 20 hours a day”, he added.

“Kurdistan region was capable of reaching an independence in regards of energy supplies as it kept a good level of water in Doukhan and Darbandikhan dams who produce water also”, the minister said. And it throve to halt electricity imports from turkey and from Iraq national grid.