Aug 20, 2003

Jesuits aid Chin refugees in jungle

Members of the Jesuit Refugee Services visited Chin refugees hiding out in the Putrajaya jungles and gave loads of clothing material and medical supplies in Malaysia
Members of the Jesuit Refugee Services visited Chin refugees hiding out in the Putrajaya jungles and gave loads of clothing material and medical supplies in Malaysia.

Chin Refugee Committee members led by Mr. Victor Sang spent more than 6 hours in the jungles handing over the supplies accompanied by the JRS members. As there are an estimated 400 Chin refugees in this jungle hideout, about two hundred came out to see the JRS and CRC members.

The JRS also promised the refugees that they would get more medical supplies, clothes, mosquito nets and water filters to clean water.

The Chin refugees in Malaysia have never received supplies since arriving in Malaysia. The JRS members also brought a medical officer who performed medical check ups on the refugees and provided suitable medication according to their sickness, a service most refugees are denied. The JRS members also brought a Chin refugee who had been bedridden for almost one and half months to their rehabilitation center, the refugee had been physically assaulted and seriously injured by Indonesian robbers.

The source said Chins are living in the jungle to hide from police detection and deportation, they will be persecuted in Myanmar if returned, half of the refugees in Malaysia approached the UNHCR and claimed protection under UNHCR Mandate as refugees. However, the UNHCR rejected most of the Chin asylum seekers’ applications for refugee status, on the basis of not knowing the actual facts of Chin issues back in Myanmar and the lack of knowledge about how the Chins are facing persecution under the lawless military regime for more than forty years.