Jan 08, 2001

Mapuche International Conference 2001

The Mapuche International Conference was held in London from 5 - 7 January 2001, and was attended by Mapuche delegates from Europe, Canada and Chile. After considering the position of the Mapuche nation and the role of Mapuche expatriate communities, the Conference issued a statement containing the following demands:

- The demilitarisation of all Mapuche territory
- The implementation of concrete measures by the Chilean State to compensate the Mapuche
people within a wide-ranging programme of 'truth and historic reparation'
- The ratification of Convention 169 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)
- The recognition of the Mapuche people within the Constitution of the Chilean state
- The active support of the territorial integrity of the Mapuche nation
- The active support for the restoration of Mapuche autonomy.

In a separate declaration (issued in both English and Spanish), the Secretary General of the Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA), Joan Carling, saluted the Mapuche people’s courage and determination to fight for their rights despite almost insurmountable odds against them. The CPA also condemned the Chilean police’ violence against peaceful Mapuche demonstrations, depriving them of the opportunity to exercise their democratic rights. The declaration stressed the unity between the CPA and the Mapuche, referring to a common struggle to protect ancestral lands and a legitimate right to use its resources: 'Estamos unidos como uno solo con ustedes en su lucha por la recuperacion de sus tierras'. 'Que vuestra lucha floresca'. May your struggle flourish!
(Reference: Declaration by Mapuche International, London, 7 January 2001)