Dec 09, 2016

UNPO Fact Finding Mission to Brazil

Photo Courtesy of Luciana Gaffrée @Outras Palavras

This week, UNPO is leading a fact finding mission to Brazil with members of the European Parliament. The goal of the mission is to assess in loco the current state of indigenous rights in the country. Organized in cooperation with Janete Capiberibe (Member of Brazilian Parliament), and with the kind support of the Nando Peretti Foundation, the mission will be headed by the MEP Francisco Assis (S&D) and will be joined by MEPs Julie Ward (S&D), Estefania Torres Martinez (GUE/NGL) and Marisa Matias (GUE/NGL), as well as by representatives of other Members of the European Parliament.

The programme of the mission will combine visits to indigenous communities of the Guarani Kaiowá, meetings with Brazilian indigenous rights defenders and hearings at the Brazilian National Congress and other federal institutions.

Follow us on social media throughout the week using the hashtag #UnpoMissionBrazil to learn about our activities.

Thank you to the Nando Peretti Foundation for their generous support and cooperation.