May 23, 2011

Circassia: Georgia Holds Tsarist Russia Accountable of Genocide

As the first country worldwide, Georgia has recognized the deportation and killings of Circassians during the 19th century as genocide – something that might further strain the tense relationship with neighboring Russia while Circassians on the other hand welcome the decision. 

Below is an article published by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:

Lawmakers in Georgia have recognized the mass deportation and killings of ethnic Circassians by Tsarist Russia in the 19th century as genocide.

Parliament said on May 20 that ethnic cleansing and pre-planned massacres of Muslim Circassians had taken place in the Sochi area of southern Russia.

The Russian army deported the Circassian tribes to Turkey after winning a war in the Caucasus that ended 147 years ago on Saturday [May 21, 2011].

"The majority of Circassians perished and the rest had no alternative but to flee the country," said Nugzar Tsiklauri, the head of a Georgian parliamentary committee for relations with diasporas.

"Just a small part of the population stayed in Russia and as a result a number of ethnic groups disappeared from the world arena. Thus, actions undertaken by the Russian Empire could be classified as genocide and ethnic cleansing."

The move has been welcomed by members of the Circassian diaspora.

"Today [May 20, 2011] is a very significant day for all Circassians inside the Caucasus and outside the Caucasus," Iyad Youjahar from the Circassian diaspora in the United States told Reuters.

"This is the day when the crimes against the Circassians for the past 140 years have started to stop. And we have hopes that, from today on, we will continue positively in the future and we will continue constructing and reconstructing our nation Circassia in the Caucasus."

Nonetheless, there were dissident voices who questioned the wisdom of the decision, which some say could strain Georgia's relations with its neighbor, Russia, which have yet to recover from a brief war in 2008 over the Moscow-backed separatist provice of Southern Ossetia. 

"To put it mildly, the decision was made hastily," said opposition politician, Jondi Bagaturia.

"I think the political context of this decision has also not been taken into account -- political implications both externally and internally -- and no threats that can follow this decision have been considered either."

Georgia is the first country to recognize the events in question as genocide.